1. Add from Cloud Quick install 

This is a module that works only with the SJ HTML5 AudioFly main module. After installing and customizing the main module, you can go ahead and install Add from Cloud module, in the same manner as any Joomla extension:

- Log in to the Joomla administration back-end.

- Select Extensions --> Install/Uninstall from the top menu.


- In the panel Upload package file, click Browse and locate the installation package you have downloaded to your local computer.

- Click the button Upload & Install.

- Select Extensions --> Module Manager from the top menu and click Add from Cloud in the list.

- Open the module and follow the setup.

2. Basic settings for Add from Cloud

In the Extensions -> Module Manager section, find your Add from Cloud module and click on it to acess the module's setup section.

You can find all the module's options right in the first window that opens.

First, from the right side of the page change the Status of the module into Published, put it into the desired Position and, if you want your module to be displayed with a title, select from the right Show at the Show Title section. Last, give your module the title that you want it to be displayed with.

If you want to place this module inside an article, you can type down a custom position and use the { loadposition yourcustomname } inside the article.

If you would like to place it inside a module position, just select the position from the drop-down.

Also, don't forget to set the display for your module on the pages you want it to be shown: Module Assignment section.


3. Setting up Add from Cloud

3.1. Item Setup

At this instance, you have to select your file/song from Dropbox. Inside an item, you can add only one song. After selecting the song, you can add a Custom link (this is the link for redirect/download/play/listen), an Anchor text (aka. download/play/listen), a Title an a Description for the song for the song and last, a Poster image (you have to cose this one from Dropbox also)

You can add another item by clicking the plus icon and delete one by clicking the minus icon from the bottom of each item.


3.2. General customization

Inside this section, you can customize the following:

Playlist Width: this value is in percentage

Playlist alignment: sets the alignment towards the sides of the screen - Left, Center, Right

Various Background settings: you can use different color schemes for the background, such as simple color, 1, 2 or 3 color gradient, and ofcourse, no background color at all.

Options for the text (title and description): such as colors, font weight, width

The spacing between the items: allows you to set a certain space between the items that are being displayed in the frontend.


 3.3. Play button customization

The second section is the one for the Play button customization.

You can select wether you want to use an icon from a dropdown list, or customize the one you've set as the Anchor text in the previous section - Item setup.

You can set a width and a height, alignment and margins, background and text color for both states normal and mouse over, shadow color.



You can also set a div name and a class name if you like to add some custom CSS.